Winter Photography in Norway

I am currently in Norway, and will be for the next few weeks. It is winter, it has been cold but there wasn't any new snow here for some time. Until a few days ago, when there was a fresh amount snow dumped on the landscape here. Perfect conditions to get outside for a few typical Norwegian winter shots! And to enjoy the bitter cold. I do like this kind of weather, am I crazy? Maybe.. Enjoy the photographs and the video.

Street Photography - Roermond

I had a nice street photography session in Roermond today. Roermond is the "larger city" in my local area, around 60.000 people live here and its a 10minute drive for me. I love some good black and white street photography but haven't really done any myself in ages. At least I haven't gone out for a session like this in a while.

All shots with my FujiFilm XT4 and 35mm F1.4 lens.

Check this video for more photographs from todays session

Secret Sea Cliffs in Iceland

Iceland has a lot of famous and popular places, but also a lot of not so known places that are often just as beautiful and impressive as the popular places. In this video I am showing one of those locations. Amazing cliffs and sea stacks on the Icelandic coast. I won't mention its name or location. But enjoy the scenery. And if you ever want to see this place, just come back to this video and re-watch it again.